Atlanta SEO Consultant – The Value of User Experience in Digital Marketing

Digital Marketing Atlanta SEO Consultant

“Our DNA is as a consumer company for that individual customer who’s voting thumbs up or thumbs down. That’s who we think about. And we think that our job is to take responsibility for the complete user experience. And if it’s not up to par, it’s our fault, plain and simple.” – Rightly said by Steve Jobs. According to our Atlanta SEO consultant, user experience is the key to digital marketing. Wondering how? Today’s consumers are time-starved and intelligent and want all their needs delivered to them instantly. They love to interact with websites and applications that provide quick solutions in just a few steps. Also, they love to use digital products that resolve their issues in a quick and efficient manner. So, having a good user experience is crucial for your business’ success. Or they will go elsewhere. Nowadays, people access the internet from anywhere such as bus, in a restaurant line, and more for a variety of reasons. They use the internet to book tickets, make reservations, shop, and more. Having a good user experience can have a significant impact on all these online activities.

User experience is one of the things that’s often overlooked by marketers when they are creating a digital marketing strategy for their business. It’s estimated that 74% of people will return to a website if the user experience is well-optimized. Unfortunately, there are only 55% of brands are focusing on improving their user experience.

What Is User Experience? – Atlanta SEO Consultant

User experience is a set of strategies, tools, and techniques that makes your brand or products focused on the user. Moreover, it’s specifically about the experience when the user interacts with your products or services when they are accessing from different devices. User experience is anchored on the customers and their feelings. Atlanta SEO consultant says user experience is all about creating the best online experience for your customers and make them want to come back to you the next time or whenever they think about a specific product or service.

Atlanta SEO Consultant – Mobile World and User Experience

Everything is changed now. From the way you book your tables at a restaurant to shipping, it’s all at your fingertips now. The increase in the usage of smartphones has changed the way people shop, buy, transfer money, connect with people, and more. Apparently, the sudden rise in the number of smartphone users made desktop the least preferred touchpoint for customer’s online activities. The Atlanta SEO consultant says mobile has become an integral part of digital marketing because people abandon a website if it isn’t optimized for mobile usage. So, for businesses, failing to provide a good user experience for mobile screens leads you to experience a major loss in conversions and damages your brand’s reputation.

But this doesn’t mean that desktop is no longer relevant. According to the Atlanta SEO consultant, there is a considerable number of users who still rely on desktops for major online transactions. So, as a business owner, you must need a multi-platform strategy that improves the user experience of your website on mobile, desktops, laptops, and other devices.

Top Reasons Why User Experience is Crucial for Digital Marketing – Atlanta SEO Consultant

User experience is the key to today’s digital environment. But, most of the time, it’s hard to identify what’s important and what measure you should follow to enjoy digital success. Here, the leading Atlanta SEO consultant lists a few reasons why user experience is crucial for digital marketing.

Improve Customer Satisfaction – Atlanta SEO Consultant

Did you know improving your customer’s journey has a 20% chance to improve customer experience? User experience impacts your business every way people interact with your business. Hence, user experience is the crucial element to focus on to improve the relationship with your customers. Moreover, building a positive user experience enhances customer satisfaction and brings you repeated business. When you provide a good user experience, your customers will be happy, and they will share their experiences with their friends and family. Eventually, this brings you new leads and conversions. Maintaining a good user experience is a better way to differentiate yourself from the competitors.

Makes Your SEO Better

The leading Atlanta SEO consultant says having a good user experience improves the visibility of your business in the search results. Yes! Having a good user experience encourages your customers to explore more content on your website. Eventually, this minimizes the bounce rate. Moreover, Google is giving more priority to websites that provide a better user experience. So, when you have a lower bounce rate, it’s a great indication that you are providing useful content and users are satisfied with the information you provide.

Increases Conversions

Like other factors, user experience also has a significant impact on conversions. A good user experience guides your customers in the right direction and encourages them to take the right action. It also inspires them to follow through your website in search of more information. Eventually, it results in a conversion.

Landing Page Design – Atlanta SEO Consultant

Did you know more than 75% of users search for another website if the landing page of your website doesn’t live up to their expectations? So, creating a converting landing page is crucial. After all, it’s the first visual thing that makes a significant impact on your customer’s user experience. So, better the user experience, you are more likely to convert your visitors into customers, says our leading Atlanta SEO Consultant.

Wrapping Up

User experience isn’t just an option for your business anymore! It’s a crucial element that affects the sales of your business. If you fail to provide your customers with the right user experience, they will go somewhere else. Most probably, they will replace you with a better brand. Do you want to avoid this? Then, don’t regret it! Invest your time, money, and resources in improving the user experience to provide your visitors the attention they deserve. Get in touch with our experts at Strategic Marketing Consultants to create the best user experience for your customers.

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