It’s Not Nuclear Physics, but… Testing


It's Not Nuclear Physics, but TestingYou may be thinking that this idea of testing seems so obvious that every business owner is most certainly already doing it… Right?  It’s Not Nuclear Physics, but…  The unfortunate reality is that more than 87% of your competitors are NOT willing to take the time to do it right.  Instead, they continue to haphazardly run whatever advertisements “seem to be working well recently.”  Your methodically tested and measured marketing efforts will crush their advertising into smithereens, and enable you to steal their customers in the process.

In short, every aspect of your marketing can and should be tested – advertising tactics, placements, headlines, colors, print size, copy, prices, offers, packaging, sales pitches – everything.

Through the process of diligent testing, you ensure that you will never make a major marketing blunder. It’s impossible. If an ad or promotion fails in a small-scale test, you either adjust it and test again, or toss it out and try something different.

Through testing, you remove the guesswork and conjecture out of what you think will work. You MUST be scientific with your marketing – keep experimenting until you find what really works.  And then, keep on testing continuously… It’s a never ending process – and thus why so few people do it.

Tomorrow, “Anatomy of a significant marketing blunder”

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