7 Internet Marketing Strategies That Work In Today’s Markets

The internet marketing strategies of last year don’t always work in the markets of today. Once upon a time, it was enough to simply ‘show up’ to the web. People were still quite naïve, and advanced tactics meant little to such a ripe market. Today’s audience knows what it wants. It knows where it can get the things it wants. And those people want to know: Why should they give you any money? Today, we’re going to cover seven internet marketing strategies still relevant in today’s market. Some are classics reimagined, others are new ideas for a new era.

Internet Marketing Strategies That Work In Today’s Markets

Establish an Identity

First and foremost, any business looking to make its mark on the Internet needs to stand out. It needs to build awareness in its prospects minds and separate itself from other businesses in the same industry and market. This means tossing aside generic language and promises and building something truly unique and valuable. If you can’t show people what makes you different and make them remember, none of your other internet marketing strategies matter. The worst sin you can commit is to fill your marketing with platitudes.

Inbound Marketing

Inbound funnels built on inbound marketing principles go further than internet marketing strategies built on outbound marketing. You should develop natural paths deeper into your site, built upon content worthy of prospects’ time. Your website should be useful, and by the time you sell anything, prospects should be ready to thank you for the chance. Learn the best practices of content creation, social outreach, SEO, page layout, etc., and put inbound marketing to work for you.

The Giveaway

There’s so many freebies given away out there, it’s hard to encourage anyone to buy. That’s why clever internet marketing strategies use ethical bribes to get visitors invested. Once your visitors are hooked on what you have to say in your webinar, video, or ebook, you’re ready to start making real sales. This becomes even more important if you’re trying to sell something someone might not see the real value, such as access to a forum, membership site, and other material competitors might be offering for free. By helping visitors and showing them your value, they will be far more willing to make the leap to paying customer.

Business Innovation

A business needs to stand out, even if it doesn’t have much direct competition. Internet users find themselves buried in generic internet marketing strategies and quickly learn to treat advertising as mere background noise to their browsing. If you want to see a real profit from your internet marketing strategies, you need to innovate. You need to present to your prospects original value, and market it in a way no competitor would think to. Don’t say you offer better staff, when you can explain the tough standards your employees are held to, in detail, and offer a money-back guarantee on failure to uphold those standards. Don’t say your product will ‘improve efficiency’, when you can get into the details. Make exciting promises you know you can keep. Internet Marketing Strategies

Social Vetting

Social media presents an amazing chance to understand the people we sell to on a personal level. Whether you’re aiming at large parts of the population or aiming at very specific people, the variety of information freely offered on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn means an excellent chance to capture attention. This is one of the newest internet marketing strategies to develop, and one of the most potent. By learning to look in to your customer base on social media, you can refine your methods to a great degree. Combined with information about your existing customers, you can go even further. It also works wonders for cutting old data from email lists and confirming contact information.

Analysis and Revision

Modern internet marketing strategies live and die on data. We can see more about how visitors interact with our marketing today than ever before, and it’s important that we use that chance to succeed. Look at conversion rates, page views, clicks, every metric that modern suites can offer. Within that data exists a nugget. Opportunities to refine and revise, to cut out the parts of your marketing that don’t work and enhance and capitalize upon the parts which do. By thoroughly understanding how your customers use your website, engage with your material, and buy from you (or not), opens countless doors.

Diverse Engagement

When we engage prospects in several different ways, they remember us easier than they would if we only reach out to them in one medium. Mixing videos, articles, webinars, and other mediums makes our message stick in customers’ minds much better. There’s a reason the best teaching methods get students moving their bodies while they think. That reason can work in our internet marketing strategies as well.

What else?  What other Internet marketing strategies do you think I should have included?

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