3 Easy Internet Marketing Strategies in Link Building

Internet Marketing Strategies

Few aspects of inbound marketing matter more than the internet marketing strategies you utilize for link building. With regular Google updates upturning the status quo on a regular basis, those who fail to stay abreast of the shifting landscape can see their hard-earned traffic dwindle to nothing in a matter of days—or worse, see themselves on Google’s much feared naughty list. However, that doesn’t make it enough to chase blindly after algorithmic perfection, either; savvy marketers learn to make their internet marketing strategies pull double duty. Today, we’ll discuss three ways for you to do just that.

Natural Backlink Profiles link building

Penguin changed the way Google analyzes backlink profiles in a major way, and woe to those who fail to adapt. Old internet marketing strategies generating backlink profiles consisting solely of your targeted keyword phrase and a few variations no longer satisfy the algorithm at the core of the search engine giant. Such over tuned, artificial backlink profiles will do you no favors. 

Fortunately, what does work now also gives you plenty of leeway to inject something unique into your anchor phrasing. You want some of the classic keywords and tangential variants, but you also want plenty of nonsense, ‘click here’ and ‘www.yourwebsitename.com’ and ‘Your Website’ in your profile. You’ll also want tangential variants of those—Google will recognize them all, don’t worry. The best news is, such naturalistic internet marketing strategies should have a long shelf life. 

Networking Internet Marketing Strategies

Backlink profiles made up solely from paid spots, properties you own, and zero-standard spam sites simply don’t cut it in today’s world. You need internet marketing strategies that involve creating content for and contact with real people—and you need to reach out, aggressively, to the people who can guide more attention your way. That means reaching out to other professionals for guest posts, reviews, anything. It means engaging the community at large on social media and discussion forums. Talk to people, and give them a reason to talk about you—and the site you’re trying to promote.   

Of course, standing out enough to get that attention means putting forth and maintaining a recognizable identity, something ‘you’ that stands out from the masses you’re in competition with for customer attention. Whether you position yourself for a specific demographic, as the Green or Exciting or Crazy Company, or something else, you need internet marketing strategies in place for shaping that identity. This brings us to…

‘Big Picture’ Internet Marketing Strategies 

Internet marketing strategies for link building shouldn’t be viewed in a vacuum; an effort which gets you backlinks, but creates a negative public opinion, is not worth it no matter how many unique linking pages you net. Similarly, flooding your site with unqualified, uninterested people because you managed to catch the wider masses’ attention for a brief moment doesn’t help much unless you know exactly how to capitalize on that sort of traffic.

Plan your internet marketing strategies for the big picture, and shape the way everyone looks at your business—including the search engines.

What else?  What other link building Internet marketing strategies do you feel should have been included?

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